V5 (02.06.2020)
Bubble Sinbad
s a Vintage glider / Motor-glider designed by RC-Laserkit in classic wood
This model may be easily modified to supprot brushles motorization.
The particularities:
laser-cut all-wood construction
with dovetailed and weight-optimized,
component-transport friendly due to two-piece wing,
optionally with motor Pod for electric drive
The kit:
The model may be build on a plane surface of 1,5m x 0,5m.
The wings are constructed with an intro leading edge, pine spars, light plwoody ribs, balsa planking.
The stabilisator is constructed using a plywood template. The laser-cut ribs are accurately
positioned and positively positioned with the support feet in the auxiliary template which allows a
structure without a blueprint.
The wing joiner is handled by a 6mm steel rod to be bend to obtain 14 grades dihédral angle.