F e r t i g s t e l l u n g d e s M o d e l l s – S e i t e 3 7
M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c i n g
1 .
R e g u l a r c l e a n i n g
The Quadrocopter is very simple, but developed aircraft durchdacht nevertheless. There
a r e
no mechanical parts, which
require a lubrication or other maintenance. Nevertheless you should clean the Quadrocopter after each flying operation o f
eventuel existing contamination (blad es of grass, dust etc. ) .
Mark the accumulator out after each use of the Quadrocopters!
Use for the cleaning a dry or easily damp cloth and avoid you the contact with water at electronics, accumulator and
Do not fly you without covers of electronics. Make sure t h a t no humidity penetrates the inside the central piece (e.g.
wetness of blades of grass etc. ). Avoid flies w i t h rains!
2 .
A k k u p f l e g e
Paying attention it not VOL-constantly to unload the accumulator.
- Separation it according to a flight always the plug connector between Quadrocopter and accumulator.
- Paying attention you to the undervoltage a nnouncement of the Quadrocopters red LED flashes schnel,
g r e e n
LED on camps you the accumulator
in a c c o r d a nc e w it h
the Herstelerangaben
- Shop it the accumulator in each case with a battery charger
s u it a b le
for it