Figure 1.1: Installation
Setup Procedure
A note about choosing what battery capacity to configure the SCC1
with: It is recommended that you put in a capacity that is 10~15%
lower than the actual stated capacity of the battery pack, so for a
1000mAh battery, set the SCC1 to 850~900mAh. By using a lower
capacity you are less inclined to risk running out of power. Also con-
sider that between charging losses and battery internal losses you
will not be able to use the full capacity of the pack (eg, the SCC1 can
indicate that you used 100mAh but your charger puts back 110mAh,
as 10mAh was lost within the battery itself due to internal resistance
and lead losses).
To configure the SCC1 with your required battery capacity limit,
you need to perform the following sequence -