Page 22
Standard data
Standard data are data describing an installation :
- Owner (max. 60 characters)
- Customer number (max. 20 characters)
- Burner manufacturer (max. 20 characters)
- Burner type (max. 20 characters)
- Year of manufacture (max. 10 characters)
- Fuel type (max. 20 characters)
- Hu (kWh/m3) (max. 6 characters)
- Jet size (max. 9 characters)
- Jet pressure (max. 6 characters)
- Boiler manufacturer (max. 20 characters)
- Boiler type (max. Characters)
- Year of manufacture (max. Characters)
- Nominal performance (kW) (max. 11 characters)
- Set performance kW) (max. 6 characters)
This data is either on the card if it has been prepared previously or it
can be entered directly into the ecom-JN using the keyboard if the chip
card is to be prepared during servicing or installing. The standard data
required is fixed as the length of the data areas.
If a chip card is inserted into the ecom-JN, the data is read from the
card into the instruments RAM.
The measurement results contain all measurement informations. If a
chip card has been inserted into the ecom-JN and the
key is
pressed, the results are transferred from the instrument´s RAM to the
chip card. Any data already on the chip card is over replaced.