Click the MATLAB
dropdown box to select
it for installation.
The installation requires
several library “dll” files
to be placed on your
computer. These files
allow the MATLAB
specific routines to
work. They are
distributed to you under
RBR's limited rights to
the deployment and are
governed by a license
agreement between
RBR and MathWorks.
These files are located
in the “RBR\MATLAB” directory and the “PATH” environment variable is modified
to point to this directory to enable your system to find the library files.
The version of MATLAB used in the RBR Software is 7.0.
The visible modification to the RBR Software is in
menu where the two MATLAB file
Save a MATLAB file
Read a
are to be found.
Save a MATLAB file
a “*.mat” file is saved
in the “RBR\mat” directory. In this file are several
MATLAB matrices as follows:
"loggername" Name, firmware version and
serial number for the logger;
"loggerdata" Regular data, n x m matrix,
n cols=number of channels, m rows =
number of readings
(for the case of a TWR – tide data);
Identification for each of the channels;
"loggersampleperiod" Regular sampling period (for TWR, tide sampling
"loggeraveragingperiod" Averaging period (for TWR, tide averaging
"loggertimes" Time stamps for each of the regular readings.