General Piping Requirements
All heating system piping must be installed by a qualified
technician in accordance with the latest revision of the
ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IV,
and ANSI/ASME CSD-1, Standard for Controls and Safety
Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers. All applicable local
codes and ordinances must also be followed. A minimum
clearance of
1 in
25 mm must be maintained between
heating system pipes and all combustible construction. All
heating system piping must be supported by suitable
hangers not the boiler. The thermal expansion of the
system must be considered when supporting the system.
A minimum system pressure of
12 psig
82.7 kPa must
be maintained.
Heating Boiler Piping Connections
The supply and return connections should be sized to suit
the system, see Table 6.
Table 6 – Supply & Return Pipe Sizing
Model Size
Supply Size
Return Size
500 thru 1000 2" NPT
2" NPT
1250 thru 2000 2 1/2" NPT 2 1/2" NPT
Pump Requirements
This low mass boiler requires a continuous minimum water
flow for proper operation. The system pump must be sized
to overcome the head loss of the boiler and the heating
system in order to achieve the required temperature rise.
Table 7 provides the heat exchanger pressure drop and
temperature rise figures. The temperature rise across the
boiler must never exceed
19.4˚C. The adjustable
pump delay turns the pump on each time the burner fires
and runs the pump for 20 to 600 seconds after the call for
heat is satisfied.
CAUTION: A temperature rise outside of the range
listed in Table 7 indicates that the flow rate through the
heat exchanger is incorrect which will damage the heat
exchanger voiding the warranty! The maximum
allowable temperature rise is 35
The maximum allowable flow rate through a Futera III
boiler is 97 GPM,
6.1 L/s
on 500 through 1000 models
and 136 GPM,
8.6 L/s
for 1250 through 2000 models.
The Cupro-Nickel heat exchanger allows for 108 GPM,
6.8 L/s
on 500 through 1000 models and 151 GPM,
9.5 L/s
on 1250 through 2000 models.
Figure 8 – Futera III Piping