Finned copper tube gas boilers & water heaters – Boiler Manual
Figure 12A
Low Temperature Piping
(See Notes and Adjustment Procedures)
Figure 13
Multiple Boiler Piping
(See Notes)
O per ate d Val v e
A i r Vent
P r es sure S w i t ch
A quasta t U n i o n
G a s Pressur e
Reg u lator
A u tomati c
The r momet e r
Fl o w Swi t ch
Pr e s s u r e
Reli e f Val v e
Reduc i ng Val v e
S e l f -Operated
Check Val v e
Pr e s s u r e
Va l v e
Pu m p
Moto r i z ed Val v e
S o l e noi d
B a ll V a lv e
B u ffe r f l y Val v e
A ngl e Val v e
G a te Val v e
G l obe Val v e
B a l ance Val v e
H-15 Rev 5
1. Boiler circuit piping must be large enough to handle
maximum flow through unit.
2. Boiler pump sized to boiler design flow requirements.
3. All boilers furnished with factory mounted outlet water
temperature gauge.
4. Boiler pump purging required. Use terminals supplied.
5. Secondary loop pipe diameter must be sized large enough to
handle maximum flow through all units.
Notice: These drawings show suggested piping configuration and valving.
Check with local codes and ordinances for specific requirements.
Adjustment Procedure
To Maintain Inlet Temperature
Above Dew Point
T1-Temp-Min=110°F For Atmospheric
T1-Temp-Min=125°F Sealed Combusion
1. Turn heater on and open valves A & B.
2. After steady-state operation, if T1 is less
than Temp-Min slowly close valve B until
T1 climbs to desired operating temperature
above Temp-Min.
3. If T1 is greater than desired operating
temperature, slowly close valve A to adjust to
lower desired temperature above Temp-Min.
4. Check after system operating temperature
has stabilized. Make final adjustments.
5. Follow same adjustment procedure for
sealed combustion.
H-3 Rev 6
1. Boiler circuit piping must be
sized large enough to handle
maximum flow through unit.
2. Boiler pump sized to boiler
design flow requirements.
3. All boilers furnished with
factory mounted outlet
water temperature gauge.
4. Boiler pump purging required.
Use terminals supplied.
Notice: These drawings show
suggested piping configuration
and valving.Check with local
codes and ordinances for
specific requirements.