The whole airframe is covered in 25gr glass and doped with filler dope, DO NOT USE SHRINKING DOPE
Filler dope is not too hard to sand, and filled with some extra talcum powder sands great and smooth,
when ready a thinned layer of sanding dope is OK
Now finish with... Vallejo, humbrol or we used cheap spray cans... take care for the vacuumformings as
some paints will not hold as good, or worse will dissolve or make it brittle
Cut oversize.. And test fit to fuselage, glue with canopy glue, or ca and make it lively with pilot, radios,
etc. The canopy framing can be painted on
Have you found an error in the drawing or parts or instructions, just mail us at
I am sure we can find a solution for your build.
Some tips:
We used electric retracts for the Cougar , and we used a separate battery for the retracts this makes it
safer, , air set is also possible , the weight difference is none
We used Hetrc edf 600-33 and 8 cells 3700
Wheels, we used Kavan treaded lightweight wheels , and we used 4,mm wheel legs, with a curl in it
Keep tail as light as possible , CG measure with wheels in.
Retracts used HK retract HK-107000136 turnigy
Servo : Cs393 for all
Flying :
The Cougar easy lifts of and is easy to fly you do not need flaps , but if you like you can always make
them in, landing: plan it in and land it as usual low speed as possible but do not make it to slow .
A 6S battery is also more powerfull with 100 amps and a good drive ,