Thank you for purchasing F9F-6 Cougar from www.Rbckits.com
For the first time, R/C enthusiasts we have a choice in scale and fun flyer aircraft designs.
Our goal, through computer technology and state-of-the-art production techniques, is to offer aircraft
which in the past have not been modelled simply because they weren’t popular enough to justify mass
production. Our production techniques allow us to produce aircraft which, though not as popular and
well known as P-51s and P-47s, still offer historical significance (good or bad!), Good looks and flying
characteristics, and a uniqueness that is sure to turn heads wherever you take your airplane!
Your airplane has many unique features in its design:
CAD Design
CAD design allows strength to be built into the airplane without sacrificing weight. Accurate parts
design and placement ensures a perfect fit.
CAD Drawn Plans
The plans in this kit are not copied from a master set! They are originals drawn directly from the CAD
program where the airplane was designed. We do this because it allows us to use colour, which helps
you better visualize the various components of the airplane, and we can use better quality paper,
which greatly reduces the possibility of shrinkage.
Since you’re going to build directly on the plans, they ought to be the proper size! Also, parts
placement is guaranteed to be accurate, so you can build a better, straighter model.
Small and hard-to-produce parts are simply a computer file away, so you get a more accurate airplane.
Lightening Holes
Lightening holes are cut into all ribs and formers where possible and justified. This allows us to keep
the weight on each plane to a minimum without sacrificing strength.
The same program that generates the design and plans also drives the cnc cutter, so every part is
reproduced exactly as it was designed. cnc cutting also allows us to fit more parts on each sheet of