The two Drop Attachment Points (DAPs) should be positioned on the waist
webbing either side of the MBP.
The DAP’s should be close to the MBP so that anything clipped to them will
not hang too far to the sides and get between the body and the SM tanks.
If required the loop of the DAP can be placed in a vice and bent gently to
have them stand off slightly from the body to make clipping in easier.
The DAPs are an ideal location to clip off the Razor Expandable Pouch as
well as other items such as reels or lift bags for example.
The DAPs can also be used to clip off a heavy butt mounted primary light
canister to give it more support if required.
Step 6: Fixing Attachment Hardware on the Waist Straps
2 Rigging the Razor Harness 2