FO R G A M E R S. B Y G A M E R S .
Utilize the Mic subtab to configure microphone connection, set or customize a mic equalizer preset,
adjust other features such as background noise suppression and microphone input modulation.
Mic setup
Set the Razer Audio Mixer to use the XLR mic input port or the microphone port for mic input and set
its sensitivity when capturing sound using the mic gain slider. You can click on the percentage/decibel
toggle to change how the mic gain is displayed.
Phantom Power (48V)
Available only on XLR microphone connection, enable this feature to transmit additional phantom
power to your XLR microphone.
WARNING! Before enabling this feature, please check if your XLR microphone supports 48V
phantom power to avoid damaging your device. Moreover, make sure to turn off this feature when
not required.