Scanning types
Telephony watch:
Up to 10 telephony channels.
Switches to edit Telephony scanning table
Switches to next scanning type
Returns to previous telephony setting
Scanning rate is approx. one channel per 2 sec.
Multi watch:
A single DSC frequency (normally 2177 kHz) and up to 10 telephony channels.
Switches to edit Multi Watch scanning
Switches to previous scanning type
Switches to next scanning type
Returns to previous telephony setting
Scanning rate is approx. one channel per 2 s. The DSC frequency is monitored briefly at
each telephony channel shift.
Dual watch:
A single DSC frequency (normally 2177 kHz) and the current telephony frequency.
Switches to edit DSC scanning frequency
Switches to previous scanning type
Switches to next scanning type
Returns to previous telephony setting
The DSC frequency is monitored briefly at approx. each 2 s.
DSC watch:
Up to 6 DSC frequencies.
Switches to edit DSC scanning table
Switches to previous scanning type
Returns to previous telephony setting
Scanning rate is approx. six channels per 2 sec.