UK / Europe Tel: +44 (0) 1670 520055
Americas Tel: +1 613 270 9990
VARIO RemOte cOntROl
Control features
1. LED Status Indicators,
Using the Remote and
Operating Modes
2. Power Adjust
3. Photocell Sensitivity
4. Wiring of Remote Switch
or Input (Telemetry Input)
4a.Telemetry – TEL –
Remote Switching
4b. Telemetry – DIM –
Remote Dimming
4c. Timer Function
5. LED Status Indicators -
6. Restore Factory Default
Settings & Stored Memory
7. Disable Remote Control
8. Control Feature
9. Mechanical Details and
Battery Information
10. Vario Remote Control -
1. LED Status Indicators, Using the
Remote and Operating Modes
There are three, coloured LEDs visible on the base of the VARIO
illuminator. The three LEDs provide important operating and
status information. The infra-red receiver for the Remote Control
commands is also on the base of the unit – and the Remote
Control should be pointed in
direction during programming.
Most functions respond immediately to pressing the required
button – however two functions require the button to be held
for 4 seconds continuously to avoid accidental programming:1.
Restore Factory Default and 2.Disable Remote Control Set-up.
The Remote Control is designed to operate at distances upto
8 metres.
The status information provided by each of these LEDs differs
depending on which of the two operating modes the VARIO
illuminator is in: (A) Programming
(B) Normal Operating
1A. Programming Mode
On powering up the illuminator, it automatically enters
programming mode to allow the user to adjust set-up and
operation. The programming mode automatically times out after
4 weeks or until the user actively disables the programming
mode - see ‘Disable Remote Control Set-up’ (section 7).
During Programming mode, the LEDs indicate the following
Power Applied
• FLASHING GREEN: Remote control IR receiver problem
• FLASHING AMBER: Indicates unit is in programming
Indicates that a valid command
is being received
Internal LED Fault Detected
Voltage supply problem detected
*(Please note – once the voltage problem has been corrected, the user
must disable remote control set-up or power the unit on and off to stop
the red status LED flashing)
All functions of the Remote Control are available in Programming
1B. Normal Operating Mode
During Normal Operating Mode (ie not in Programming Mode),
the LEDs indicate the following status:
Power Applied
• FLASHING GREEN: Remote control IR receiver problem
Voltage supply problem detected
**(Please note – once the voltage problem has been corrected, the
user must disable remote control set-up or power the unit on and off to
extinguish the amber status LED)
Internal LED Fault Detected
The only function of the Remote Control available during Normal
Operating Mode is LED Status Indicators Enable/Disable (see
section 5)
Factory Default: On initial power-up, illuminator automatically
defaults into programming mode. Programming mode
automatically disabled after 4 weeks.
2. Power Adjust
The power output of the VARIO illuminator can be adjusted
between 5 pre-set levels. To select the required light intensity
use the buttons shown.
Factory default = 100% power.
80% of maximum
60% of maximum
40% of maximum
20% of maximum
100% of maximum
3. Photocell Sensitivity
There are three pre-defined levels to set the lux level threshold
at which the photocell turns the VARIO illuminator on/off.
To select the required sensitivity level use the buttons below.
Factory default = Medium Sensitivty:
10 Lux On, 30 Lux Off
When the photocell disable button is selected this means
that the illuminator will turn on/off from a telemetry input,
regardless of ambient lighting conditions.
25 Lux On, 50 Lux Off
10 Lux On, 30 Lux Off
5 Lux On, 15 Lux Off
Photocell disabled
4a. Telemetry – TEL (Remote Switching)
The TEL button should be selected if the illuminator
is to be turned on/off using a remote switch or input.
The TEL input can be used in various ways:
1. Turn the light on (night) and off (day) automatically via the
photocell. This is the standard factory setting – and no further
action is required
2. Turn the light on and off from a remote switch or input
3. Used in conjunction with the Timer Function to turn the light
on for a pre-defined period of time. (see section 4c below).
Factory Default = Telemetry TEL Enabled.
See detailed wiring instruction - section 4.
4c. Timer Function
The timer function allows the VARIO illuminator to be triggered
ON via a telemetry input and remain on for a pre-defined period
of time. There are four pre-defined times and a timer disable
function. To select timer fuction, first press and release Telemetry
TEL button, then secondly press duration of timer required as
shown below.Factory Default = Timer Disabled
If you wish to cancel timer period and have the unit operate under
standard telemetry conditions, press Timer Disabled.
5. LED Status Indicators - Enable/Disable
The three coloured LEDs visible on the base of the
VARIO unit provide important operating and status
information. (See section 1 for information on LED
status indicator system).
This status indicator function can be switched on and off by
pressing the STATUS button. This is the only button that has two
states. It is possible for this function to be enabled/disabled even
if programming mode has been disabled so the status of the
lamp can be checked at any time.
Factory default = LED Status Indicators Enabled.
4. Wiring of Remote Switch or Input
(Telemetry Input)
Vario is supplied with a pair of Telemetry Input Wires – Orange
and Purple – which are designed to be used with a remote
switch or input from an alarm system, PIR detector, control
room, Video Management system or camera output. The input
signal can be volt-free or TTL.
Volt-free input:
Non Polarity Sensitive.Short circuit = Light On
TTL input:
Orange = TTL+ve, Purple = TTL –ve (GND)
0V = Light On, 3V = Light Off
The Telemetry Input wires (Orange & Purple) are soldered
together when shipped from the factory to simulate a volt free
input so the unit automatically turns on/off via the photocell.
Any remote input or switch should be connected to these wires.
Snip the end of the cable and then use the two-core cable as
Under normal operating conditions, a Telemetry Input will
activate the unit only at night provided that the Photocell
detects low light conditions. However, if the photocell is
disabled, a Telemetry Input will activate the unit regardless
of ambient light conditions.
The remote input can be used in conjunction with the
illuminator in three different ways as described below:
1. TEL or 2.DIM or 3. TEL+TIMER. The mode of operation is
selected by using the Remote Control.
30 minutes
10 minutes
3 minutes
1 minute
Timer disabled
4b. Telemetry - DIM (Remote Dimming)
The remote dimming feature allows the brightness of
the VARIO illuminator to be controlled remotely using
the telemetry input wires. Use the DIM button to select
this function.
When the DIM function is selected, a telemetry input
into the illuminator will vary the brightness up and down.
When the telemetry input is first applied, it will start to dim the
light and will continue to do so whilst the telemetry input is
active. When telemetry input stops, the light level will stay where
it was set. When the telemetry input is activated for a second
time, the light will start to brighten. This will continue whilst
the telemetry input is active. This activation and de-activation
of the telemetry input will reverse the way the light is dimmed
(dim down and dim up), to allow the user to set to exactly the level
required. Please note that Remote Dim is disabled by pressing
TEL button (see 4a above).
After setting a specific light level using the DIM function, if
Telemetry-DIM is disabled and Telemetry-TEL enabled, the last
power level set when using the DIM function will be remembered
and used by the system – unless a new power adjust button is
Factory Default =Telemetry DIM Disabled.
See detailed wiring instructions in section 4.
6. Restore Factory Default Settings &
Stored Memory
Once the VARIO unit has been programmed, the
settings will be stored in non-volatile (stored) memory.
These settings are saved and reloaded if the illuminator
experiences loss of power. If you wish to restore the unit back to
its original factory default settings, this can be achieved when the
unit is in programming mode by pressing the RESET button. To
activate this feature, the button must be pressed continuously for
at least
4 seconds
. This is to avoid the possibility of activating
this feature accidentally.
The factory default settings are:
• Power Set to 100% of Maximum
• Photocell set to Medium Sensitivity Level:
10 Lux On, 30 Lux Off
• Timer Disabled
• Telemetry -TEL Enabled
• Telemetry Input wires soldered together for automatic
photocell operation of unit
• Telemetry -DIM Disabled
• LED Status Indicators Enabled
• Programming Function Enabled for 4 weeks