Sequence of Operation
SUPPLY (Power to Heater)
HEATING (Spark and 24 VAC to Gas Valve)
APPLY 24 VAC to Ignition/Gas Control
1. 120/240 VAC from circuit breaker to transformer and blower relay (see page 12).
2. 24 VAC out of transformer, toggle switch ON.
3. 24 VAC to PC board, and user interface.
4. LCD display ON.
1. Control Board produces SPARK and Gas Valve energized.
2. Spark stops, and FLAME SENSING (Rectification) OCCURS.
3. “Heating” Displayed with steady Flame Sensing.
1. Call for Heat... Pool/Spa selected, TEMP set above water temp.
2. ALL SAFETIES SATISFIED (Pressure/Air Switches , High Limit Switch 1 and 2, Cabinet Limit Sensor).
3. Control board initiates pre-purge sequence. “Pre-purge” displayed.