This product contains chemicals known to the State of California
to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
These instructions are intended only for the use by qualified personnel, specifically trained and experi-
enced in the installation of this type of heating equipment and related system components.
and service personnel may be required by some states to be licensed. If your state is such, be sure your con-
tractor bears the appropriate license. Persons not qualified shall not attempt to fix this equipment nor attempt
repairs according to these instructions.
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance may damage the equip-
ment, create a hazard resulting in asphyxiation, explosion or fire, and will void the warranty.
The heater should not be located in an area where possible water leakage will result in damage to the
area adjacent to the heater or to the structure. When such locations cannot be avoided, it is recommended that
a suitable drain pan, with adequate drainage, be installed under the heater. The pan must not restrict combus-
tion air flow.
Installation must be in accordance with local codes, or, in the absence of local codes, with the latest edition of
the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA54 and National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, and for
Canada, the latest edition of CAN/CSA-B149 Installation Codes, and Canadian Electrical Code, CSA C22.1 Part
1 and Part 2.
These heaters are design-certified and tested under the latest requirements of the ANSI Z21.56 / CSA 4.7
Standard for Gas-Fired Pool Heaters. All heaters can be used either indoor or outdoors. The appropriate top
designated for each type of use is required. If necessary, the top can be changed at a later date to change from
outdoor to indoor or vice versa.
Ambient Temperature Rating of Heater Components
Electronic Ignition Heater*
-32°F to + 175°F
*Requires 120 or 240VAC Power Supply
Atmospheric heaters:
Rated inputs are suitable for up to 2,000 feet elevation. For elevations above 2000 feet, reduce input 4% for
each 1,000 feet above sea level, as high elevation reduces combustion performance.
This unit contains refractory ceramic fiber (RCF) insulation in the combustion chamber. RCF, as
manufactured, does not contain respirable crystalline silica. However, following sustained exposure to very
high temperatures (>2192F), the RCF can transform into crystalline silica (cristabolite). The International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified the inhalation of crystalline silica (cristabolite) as car-
cinogenic to humans.
When removing the burners or heat exchangers, take precautions to avoid creating airborne dust and avoid
inhaling airborne fibers. When cleaning spills, use wet sweeping or High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA)
filtered vacuum to minimize airborne dust. Use feasible engineering controls such as local exhaust ventilation
or dust collecting systems to minimize airborne dust. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment
including gloves, safety glasses with side shields, and appropriate NIOSH certified respiratory protection, to
avoid inhalation of airborne dust and airborne fiber particles.