Raymarine ST40 Depth Instrument Owner'S Handbook Manual Download Page 9

Chapter 1: Operation


Chapter 1: Operation

Your ST40 Depth instrument:

• Provides depth information, in 

either feet (


), metres (


) or

fathoms (


), as set during User calibration (see 

Chapter 4,




• Records the minimum depth encountered during the period it is

switched on. You can reset this at any time.

• Enables you to define alarm thresholds for shallow water, deep

water, shallow anchor and deep anchor.

• Enables you to see what offset is applied to the depth reading.


Your instrument is calibrated to factory (default) settings when
first supplied and must therefore be calibrated before use, to
ensure optimum performance on your vessel. Do NOT use the
instrument until the calibration procedures have been
satisfactorily completed, using the procedures in 

Chapter 4,



Coloured bezel and Desktop Mounting Bracket options are available
for your ST40 instrument. Contact your Raymarine dealer for further

1.1 Operating procedures

Operating information is presented in flow chart form. The flow charts
show the various operating screens and key presses necessary to carry
out the various instrument functions. Key presses are momentary unless
otherwise stated.

Note that:

• Up/down depth-trend arrows are displayed, if the seabed is rising or

falling at a significant rate.

• The minimum depth reading is reset to zero at power up.

Silencing alarms

To silence an alarm (see the 


section, later in this chapter),

momentarily press any one of the instrument keys.


01/05/01, 13:56


Summary of Contents for ST40 Depth Instrument

Page 1: ...ST40 Depth Instrument Owner s Handbook Document number 81158 3 Date March 2006...

Page 2: ...Raymarine ST40 and SeaTalk are trademarks of Raymarine UK Ltd Handbook contents copyright Raymarine UK Ltd...

Page 3: ...Raymarine equipment and accessories are designed to the best industry standards for use in the recreational marine environment ThedesignandmanufactureofRaymarineequipmentandaccessoriesconformto the a...

Page 4: ...wascorrectwhen it went to press However Raymarine cannot accept liability for any inaccuracies or omissions it may contain In addition our policy of continuous product improvement may change specifica...

Page 5: ...s 1 Silencing alarms 1 Adjusting display backlighting and contrast 4 1 2 Alarms 5 Alarm indications 5 Shallow alarm 5 Deep alarm 5 Anchor alarms 5 Enabling disabling alarms 6 Chapter 2 Maintenance and...

Page 6: ...13 Instrument 15 3 2 Procedures 16 Fitting transducer 16 Running transducer cable 16 Connections to the instrument 17 SeaTalk connections 18 Fitting the instrument 19 Desktop Mounting Bracket 21 3 3 C...

Page 7: ...face ThankyouforpurchasingaRaymarineproduct Wearesureyour ST40instrumentwillgiveyoumanyyearsoftrouble freeoperation Thisinstrumentisdesignedtoprovidereliableperformance even underthemostdemandingcondi...

Page 8: ...h Set alarm level screen displayed to save the alarm level and return to normal operation and keys simultaneously press the Adjusting display backlighting contrast Normal operation ST40 Depth Instrume...

Page 9: ...nceonyourvessel DoNOTusethe instrumentuntilthecalibrationprocedureshavebeen satisfactorilycompleted usingtheproceduresinChapter4 Calibration ColouredbezelandDesktopMountingBracketoptionsareavailable f...

Page 10: ...ld Set Deep alarm threshold 3 seconds Alarm on off Increase Decrease Increase Decrease To from the Offset screen sheet 2 This diagram shows the operating sequence for an ST40 Depth master instrument O...

Page 11: ...fset Increase Decrease Shallow anchor alarm Set Shallow anchor alarm threshold 3 seconds Alarm on off 3 seconds Alarm on off Set Deep anchor alarm threshold Increase Decrease To from Depth screen shee...

Page 12: ...ADJUST BACKLIGHTING or wait for 5 second timeout or press D4845 1 The current contrast level is displayed Select the required contrast level then or press Normal operation ADJUST CONTRAST or wait for...

Page 13: ...eshold Alarm continues until cancelled manually D4786 2 Deepalarm Triggered by depths equal to the deep alarm threshold Continues until cancelled manually D4787 2 Anchor alarms Depth is either equal t...

Page 14: ...hInstrumentOwner sHandbook Enabling disabling alarms Youcanenableordisableanyalarmfunction i e switchitonoroff byselectingtherelevantalarmscreen seeNormaloperation and holdingdownthe keyfor3seconds to...

Page 15: ...able youtogetthebestpossibleperformancefromyourRaymarine equipment guidelinesaregivenintheinstallationinstructions to enableyoutoensureminimuminteractionbetweendifferentitems ofequipment i e ensureopt...

Page 16: ...getotheoutershieldand wherenecessary replaceandre secure 2 2 Fault finding Preliminary procedures Ifyouappeartohaveaproblem firstcheckthesecurityofthe connectionsattherearoftheinstrumentandreconnectan...

Page 17: ...PTH Action Checkfuse circuitbreaker Checkpowersupply CheckSeaTalkcablingand connectorsecurity DEPTH D4736 2 ST40 Action Checktheconditionofthe transducercableandthesecurityof theconnections Thissympto...

Page 18: ...ST40 Assistance Ifyouareunabletorectifyanyproblem pleasecontactyourlocal RaymarineDealerforassistance Action ChecksecurityofSeaTalk connectionsbetweeninstruments CheckconditionofSeaTalk cables Isolate...

Page 19: ...sbeentakentoensurethattheywillperform underallconditions itisimportanttounderstandwhatfactorscould affecttheoperationoftheproduct TheguidelinesgivenheredescribetheconditionsforoptimumEMC performance b...

Page 20: ...ailedintheinstallation manual Ifasuppressionferriteisattachedtoacable thisferriteshouldnot beremoved Iftheferriteneedstoberemovedduringinstallationit mustbereassembledinthesameposition Suppression Fer...

Page 21: ...erial Transducertype Glass reinforced plastic GRP M78713Throughhullplastic Steel suppliedasstandard or Aluminium M78718 Retractable through hull Wood M78714 Through hull bronze Othertransducertypesare...

Page 22: ...Beaheadofthepropellers byaminimumof10 ofthewaterline length Beatleast150 mm 6 in awayfromthekeel ideallyaheadofthe keelifasailingyacht Beasnearaspossibletothecentrelineofthevessel Beclearofotherthrou...

Page 23: ...tactwiththeelectricalconnectors D4644 2 Instrument dimensions 126 mm 5 0 in 21 mm 0 8 in 17 mm 0 67 in 55 mm 2 2 in 70 mm 2 8 in 30 mm 1 2 in minimum cable clearance ST40 Eachinstrumentmustbepositione...

Page 24: ...hese instructionsandtheSiterequirementsfortransducersdescribedinthis Chapter Running transducer cable Eachtransducertypehasa9 m 30 ft cablefittedwithspadeterminals forconnectiontotheST40Depthinstrumen...

Page 25: ...lkInterconnectionKit PartNo E25028 Whenconnectedinthismanner powercanbeprovidedfromthe SeaTalkbus e g fromtheautopilot Youcanalsoconnecttheinstrumenttoboththedepthtransducerand SeaTalk Whenthusconnect...

Page 26: ...ve Uninsulated wire screen ve _ D4785 2 Connections to a stand alone instrument Cable from Depth transducer Screen Blue Black Power cable Note A 3 A fuse can be used in place of the circuit breaker if...

Page 27: ...terface kit Power cable Note A 5 A fuse can be used in place of the circuit breaker if preferred Fitting the instrument FityourST40instrumentasshowninthefollowingillustrations 1 D4759 1 Cutting centre...

Page 28: ...20 ST40DepthInstrumentOwner sHandbook 2 Cut hole 57 mm 2 25 in cutter D4760 1 Peel protective sheets from gasket 3 D4770 1 4 Stick gasket to rear of instrument D4761 1...

Page 29: ...ent D4817 1 6 Feed cables through clamping bracket connect cables then secure instrument with bracket and thumb nut Desktop Mounting Bracket AnoptionalDesktopMountingBracket PartNo E25024 enablesyou t...

Page 30: ...untyourST40instrument dosoinaccordancewiththe InstructionSheet whichisincludedwiththeDesktopMounting Bracket 3 3 Calibration requirement Onceinstallationiscompleteandbeforeyouuseyourinstrument carry o...

Page 31: ...oregoingtoseatomakesurethatit isnotaffectedbyradiotransmissions enginestartingetc 4 2 User calibration Usercalibrationenablesyouto Setthedepthdisplayresponse Usehigherresponsevalueswhen boatingincondi...

Page 32: ...e vesselfromwhichdepthsaremeasured Thispointcanbe Thetransducer Setoffsettozero Withzerooffsetapplied the screenheaderisOFST Thebottomofthekeel Setanegativeoffsetequaltothevertical distancebetweenthet...

Page 33: ...the vessel If you are not sure how to set the correct values refer to the additional information given in text Depth offset Shallow alarm lock CAL M FA CAL CAL During normal operation for approximate...

Page 34: ...ll time out to normal operation after 5 seconds Software version D4663 2 for approximately 4 seconds hold down and Instrument status for approximately 2 seconds To save your settings andreturn to norm...

Page 35: ...and Calibration access Boat show mode Factory defaults During normal operation for approximately 2 seconds hold down and To save your settings and return to normal operation from any screen DEALER CA...

Page 36: ...28 ST40DepthInstrumentOwner sHandbook...

Page 37: ...Cto 70 C Interfaces SeaTalk Overall dimensions 126mmx70mmx38mm 5 00inchesx2 80inchesx1 55inches Boss diameter 55mm 2 20inches Depth range 0 to 400 feet Shallow depth alarm 0 to 29 feet Deep depth alar...

Page 38: ...30 ST40DepthInstrumentOwner sHandbook...

Page 39: ...ueof0isset Response Therateatwhichaninstrumentrespondstochangesindepth Valuesare from1 slowresponse to15 fastresponse SeaTalk SeaTalkisaproprietaryRaymarinesystemwhichlinksdifferent compatibleproducts...

Page 40: ...32 ST40DepthInstrumentOwner sHandbook...

Page 41: ...m 1 offset 1 23 24 range 29 response 23 trend arrows 1 units 23 Desktop Mounting Bracket 21 22 Dimensions 29 Display backlighting 4 contrast 4 E EMC conformance i 23 installation guidelines 11 12 F Fa...

Page 42: ...vi S Servicing and safety 7 Setting alarm thresholds 2 3 contrast 4 depth offset 24 25 depth response 25 depth units 25 shallow alarm lock 25 Shallow anchor alarm range 29 Shallow depth alarm range 2...

Page 43: ...D4800 1 TOP Cut out shaded area only Cut out hole 57 mm 2 25 in diameter ST40 Instrument Template...

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