ST40 Depth
Owner’s Handbook
Document number: 81158-3Date: March 2006 Page 1 Tuesday, March 28, 2006 10:33 AM
Page 1: ...ST40 Depth Instrument Owner s Handbook Document number 81158 3 Date March 2006...
Page 2: ...Raymarine ST40 and SeaTalk are trademarks of Raymarine UK Ltd Handbook contents copyright Raymarine UK Ltd...
Page 3: ...Raymarine equipment and accessories are designed to the best industry standards for use in the recreational marine environment ThedesignandmanufactureofRaymarineequipmentandaccessoriesconformto the a...
Page 4: ...wascorrectwhen it went to press However Raymarine cannot accept liability for any inaccuracies or omissions it may contain In addition our policy of continuous product improvement may change specifica...
Page 5: ...s 1 Silencing alarms 1 Adjusting display backlighting and contrast 4 1 2 Alarms 5 Alarm indications 5 Shallow alarm 5 Deep alarm 5 Anchor alarms 5 Enabling disabling alarms 6 Chapter 2 Maintenance and...
Page 6: ...13 Instrument 15 3 2 Procedures 16 Fitting transducer 16 Running transducer cable 16 Connections to the instrument 17 SeaTalk connections 18 Fitting the instrument 19 Desktop Mounting Bracket 21 3 3 C...
Page 7: ...face ThankyouforpurchasingaRaymarineproduct Wearesureyour ST40instrumentwillgiveyoumanyyearsoftrouble freeoperation Thisinstrumentisdesignedtoprovidereliableperformance even underthemostdemandingcondi...
Page 8: ...h Set alarm level screen displayed to save the alarm level and return to normal operation and keys simultaneously press the Adjusting display backlighting contrast Normal operation ST40 Depth Instrume...
Page 9: ...nceonyourvessel DoNOTusethe instrumentuntilthecalibrationprocedureshavebeen satisfactorilycompleted usingtheproceduresinChapter4 Calibration ColouredbezelandDesktopMountingBracketoptionsareavailable f...
Page 10: ...ld Set Deep alarm threshold 3 seconds Alarm on off Increase Decrease Increase Decrease To from the Offset screen sheet 2 This diagram shows the operating sequence for an ST40 Depth master instrument O...
Page 11: ...fset Increase Decrease Shallow anchor alarm Set Shallow anchor alarm threshold 3 seconds Alarm on off 3 seconds Alarm on off Set Deep anchor alarm threshold Increase Decrease To from Depth screen shee...
Page 12: ...ADJUST BACKLIGHTING or wait for 5 second timeout or press D4845 1 The current contrast level is displayed Select the required contrast level then or press Normal operation ADJUST CONTRAST or wait for...
Page 13: ...eshold Alarm continues until cancelled manually D4786 2 Deepalarm Triggered by depths equal to the deep alarm threshold Continues until cancelled manually D4787 2 Anchor alarms Depth is either equal t...
Page 14: ...hInstrumentOwner sHandbook Enabling disabling alarms Youcanenableordisableanyalarmfunction i e switchitonoroff byselectingtherelevantalarmscreen seeNormaloperation and holdingdownthe keyfor3seconds to...
Page 15: youtogetthebestpossibleperformancefromyourRaymarine equipment guidelinesaregivenintheinstallationinstructions to enableyoutoensureminimuminteractionbetweendifferentitems ofequipment i e ensureopt...
Page 16: ...getotheoutershieldand wherenecessary replaceandre secure 2 2 Fault finding Preliminary procedures Ifyouappeartohaveaproblem firstcheckthesecurityofthe connectionsattherearoftheinstrumentandreconnectan...
Page 17: ...PTH Action Checkfuse circuitbreaker Checkpowersupply CheckSeaTalkcablingand connectorsecurity DEPTH D4736 2 ST40 Action Checktheconditionofthe transducercableandthesecurityof theconnections Thissympto...
Page 18: ...ST40 Assistance Ifyouareunabletorectifyanyproblem pleasecontactyourlocal RaymarineDealerforassistance Action ChecksecurityofSeaTalk connectionsbetweeninstruments CheckconditionofSeaTalk cables Isolate...
Page 19: ...sbeentakentoensurethattheywillperform underallconditions itisimportanttounderstandwhatfactorscould affecttheoperationoftheproduct TheguidelinesgivenheredescribetheconditionsforoptimumEMC performance b...
Page 20: ...ailedintheinstallation manual Ifasuppressionferriteisattachedtoacable thisferriteshouldnot beremoved Iftheferriteneedstoberemovedduringinstallationit mustbereassembledinthesameposition Suppression Fer...
Page 21: ...erial Transducertype Glass reinforced plastic GRP M78713Throughhullplastic Steel suppliedasstandard or Aluminium M78718 Retractable through hull Wood M78714 Through hull bronze Othertransducertypesare...
Page 22: ...Beaheadofthepropellers byaminimumof10 ofthewaterline length Beatleast150 mm 6 in awayfromthekeel ideallyaheadofthe keelifasailingyacht Beasnearaspossibletothecentrelineofthevessel Beclearofotherthrou...
Page 23: ...tactwiththeelectricalconnectors D4644 2 Instrument dimensions 126 mm 5 0 in 21 mm 0 8 in 17 mm 0 67 in 55 mm 2 2 in 70 mm 2 8 in 30 mm 1 2 in minimum cable clearance ST40 Eachinstrumentmustbepositione...
Page 24: ...hese instructionsandtheSiterequirementsfortransducersdescribedinthis Chapter Running transducer cable Eachtransducertypehasa9 m 30 ft cablefittedwithspadeterminals forconnectiontotheST40Depthinstrumen...
Page 25: ...lkInterconnectionKit PartNo E25028 Whenconnectedinthismanner powercanbeprovidedfromthe SeaTalkbus e g fromtheautopilot Youcanalsoconnecttheinstrumenttoboththedepthtransducerand SeaTalk Whenthusconnect...
Page 26: Uninsulated wire screen ve _ D4785 2 Connections to a stand alone instrument Cable from Depth transducer Screen Blue Black Power cable Note A 3 A fuse can be used in place of the circuit breaker if...
Page 27: ...terface kit Power cable Note A 5 A fuse can be used in place of the circuit breaker if preferred Fitting the instrument FityourST40instrumentasshowninthefollowingillustrations 1 D4759 1 Cutting centre...
Page 28: ...20 ST40DepthInstrumentOwner sHandbook 2 Cut hole 57 mm 2 25 in cutter D4760 1 Peel protective sheets from gasket 3 D4770 1 4 Stick gasket to rear of instrument D4761 1...
Page 29: ...ent D4817 1 6 Feed cables through clamping bracket connect cables then secure instrument with bracket and thumb nut Desktop Mounting Bracket AnoptionalDesktopMountingBracket PartNo E25024 enablesyou t...
Page 30: ...untyourST40instrument dosoinaccordancewiththe InstructionSheet whichisincludedwiththeDesktopMounting Bracket 3 3 Calibration requirement Onceinstallationiscompleteandbeforeyouuseyourinstrument carry o...
Page 31: ...oregoingtoseatomakesurethatit isnotaffectedbyradiotransmissions enginestartingetc 4 2 User calibration Usercalibrationenablesyouto Setthedepthdisplayresponse Usehigherresponsevalueswhen boatingincondi...
Page 32: ...e vesselfromwhichdepthsaremeasured Thispointcanbe Thetransducer Setoffsettozero Withzerooffsetapplied the screenheaderisOFST Thebottomofthekeel Setanegativeoffsetequaltothevertical distancebetweenthet...
Page 33: ...the vessel If you are not sure how to set the correct values refer to the additional information given in text Depth offset Shallow alarm lock CAL M FA CAL CAL During normal operation for approximate...
Page 34: ...ll time out to normal operation after 5 seconds Software version D4663 2 for approximately 4 seconds hold down and Instrument status for approximately 2 seconds To save your settings andreturn to norm...
Page 35: ...and Calibration access Boat show mode Factory defaults During normal operation for approximately 2 seconds hold down and To save your settings and return to normal operation from any screen DEALER CA...
Page 36: ...28 ST40DepthInstrumentOwner sHandbook...
Page 37: ...Cto 70 C Interfaces SeaTalk Overall dimensions 126mmx70mmx38mm 5 00inchesx2 80inchesx1 55inches Boss diameter 55mm 2 20inches Depth range 0 to 400 feet Shallow depth alarm 0 to 29 feet Deep depth alar...
Page 38: ...30 ST40DepthInstrumentOwner sHandbook...
Page 39: ...ueof0isset Response Therateatwhichaninstrumentrespondstochangesindepth Valuesare from1 slowresponse to15 fastresponse SeaTalk SeaTalkisaproprietaryRaymarinesystemwhichlinksdifferent compatibleproducts...
Page 40: ...32 ST40DepthInstrumentOwner sHandbook...
Page 41: ...m 1 offset 1 23 24 range 29 response 23 trend arrows 1 units 23 Desktop Mounting Bracket 21 22 Dimensions 29 Display backlighting 4 contrast 4 E EMC conformance i 23 installation guidelines 11 12 F Fa...
Page 42: S Servicing and safety 7 Setting alarm thresholds 2 3 contrast 4 depth offset 24 25 depth response 25 depth units 25 shallow alarm lock 25 Shallow anchor alarm range 29 Shallow depth alarm range 2...
Page 43: ...D4800 1 TOP Cut out shaded area only Cut out hole 57 mm 2 25 in diameter ST40 Instrument Template...
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