Chapter 1: Basic Operation
The default off course angle is set at 20º. You can adjust this angle in Dealer Calibration
(see SmartPilot X-5 Sport Installation & Commissioning Guide).
1.4 Adjusting pilot performance
The principal method of adjusting the performance of an SPX-5 Sport system is by
changing the response level. This controls the relationship between the course
keeping accuracy of the SPX-5 Sport system, and the amount of helm/drive activity.
Changing the response level should be the only adjustment you need to make to your
SPX-5 Sport system on a regular basis.
When you first turn on your SPX-5 Sport system after installation, the response will
initially be set to the default level of 5, but you can change this level in User Calibration
(refer to your
SmartPilot X-5 Sport Installation & Setup Guide
for details). Changes
made using user Calibration will be retained when the SPX-5 Sport system is
switched off.
You can also make temporary adjustments to the response level to quickly match
performance to changing conditions. Note however that these temporary changes to
response level will be lost when the system is powered off, with the default value
being reapplied when the system is next switched on.
Response levels
As a general rule, higher response values give tighter course keeping (e.g. for
pilotage in confined and sheltered waters). Lower values reduce drive activity and
conserve battery power.
The SPX-5 Sport system has nine levels of response:
Levels 9 to 7
give the tightest course keeping and greatest rudder activity (and
power consumption). This can lead to a rough passage in open waters as the
SPX-5 Pilot may ‘fight’ the sea.
Levels 6 to 4
should give good course keeping with crisp, well controlled turns
under normal operating conditions.
Levels 3 to 1
minimize the amount of pilot activity. This conserves power, but may
compromise short-term course-keeping accuracy.
Temporarily adjusting response
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