8) PTT Key(Microphone)
When pressed,puts the radio into the transmit mode
If the current channel is Weather CH or the channel prohibitted from TX, Alerm 2 is
heard and PTT key cannot be used. If the PTT key is pressed continuously for over
five minutes,transmission is forcibly inhibited and Alarm 2 is heard until the PTT key
is released.
9) UP key(Microphone)
The UP key is used to move the channel numbers up(+1).
If the UP key is continuously pressed for over 0.5 seconds,the channel numbers can be
continuously up every 100msec.
10)DOWN key(Microphone)
-. The DOWN key is used to move the channel numbers down(+1)
If the DOWN key is continously pressed for over 0.5 seconds,the channel numbers
can be continueously down every 100msec.
11) 16/9 key(Microphone)
-. When 16/9 key is pressed and released, Alarm 1 is heard and Channel can be
changed as follows.
The current channel is Working CH---------------
Becomes Priority CH
The current channel is Weather CH---------------
Becomes Priority CH
The current channel is Priority CH ---------------
Becomes Working CH
-. When 16/9 key continues to be pressed for more than 2 seconds in Priority CH mode,
Alerm 1 is heard and priority CH can be toggled. When the private channnel is 16CH,it
can be changed to 9CH and when the private channel is 9CH,it can be changed to
12) DISTRESS key
-. DISTRESS key is used to send a DSC Distress Call when pressed and held for 4