install and prepare for sea trials. Sound
installation however is vital if the system’s high
standard of performance and reliability is to be
achieved. The installation notes should be
followed carefully and in cases where special
advice may be needed you are encouraged to
contact our Technical Sales Department where
expert assistance is always available.
The control unit is the most sensitive part of the
system and care should be taken to select a
mounting position that is reasonably free from
vibration and protected from external weather
conditions. The control unit is mounted in an
aluminium frame which can be pivoted to
permit fixing to either horizontal or vertical
surfaces. The frame is finally fixed into position
by two No. 8 (4mm) diameter countersunk head
stainless steel or brass screws.
In the case of a vessel with an enclosed
wheelhouse, it would normally be desirable to
mount the control unit sufficiently near to the
wheel so that the controls are easily accessible
to the helmsman. However, since the control
unit incorporates a magnetic compass it is
necessary to position it at least 2ft 6in (80cm)
away from the nearest steering compass in
to avoid
both compasses.
Deviation of the control unit compass is much
less critical because of its auto-following
capability. Nevertheless excessive deviation
should be avoided as far as possible in order to
maintain uniform sensitivity on all headings. The
control unit should thus be mounted as far
away as possible from iron or other magnetic
devices. If any doubt exists, the chosen site
should be checked by means of a handbearing
compass. The handbearing compass should be
fixed into the chosen position and the vessel
swung through 360 degrees. Relative
differences in reading between the
handbearing compass and the main steering
compass should not vary by more than 20
In rare cases even the above extreme
deviation tolerance may not be achievable, in
which case an alternative site remote from the
steering position must be selected. In such a
case it will be necessary to operate the
autopilot through an auxiliary control unit
situated near the steering position. Installation
in steel hulled vessels invariably presents
difficulties and the advice of a compass
adjuster should always be sought.
yachts with a single external
steering position are a special case where it is
essential to operate the autopilot via a
proof auxiliary control unit. The auxiliary control
unit would normally be mounted in the cockpit
adjacent to the steering position and the
control unit situated below in a suitably
protected position.
The compass within the control unit is
capable of satisfactory operation at roll and
pitch angles of up to
degrees. The control
unit should, therefore, be positioned as near to
horizontal as possible to maximise gimbal
action in all directions. In the case of a sailing
yacht where sustained heel angles may on
occasions exceed the above limit, it will be
necessary to readjust the control unit to a near
horizontal position on each tack. To
this, the control unit’s suspension frame should
be mounted parallel to the direction of the heel
The Auxiliary Control Unit is connected directly
to the auxiliary connector on the Control Unit.
The unit is waterproof and should be positioned
close to the steering wheel. It is designed for
discreet flush mounting and a pattern is
provided to assist panel cutting before fitting.
Matching black self-tapping screws are
provided to secure the auxiliary control unit
facia in position. A good quality silicone sealant
should be used to seal between the facia and
the mounting panel.
It is usually desirable to arrange for operation
of the hand-held control unit from anywhere on
deck. For this purpose up to two remote
sockets may be strategically positioned to
make this practical without the need for long
and potentially hazardous flying leads on the
hand-held unit. In the case of a sailing yacht for
example, one socket position in the foredeck
area and another in the cockpit usually makes
a perfect arrangement. The sockets are flush
mounted and a pattern is provided to simplify
panel cutting. Matching black self-tapping
are also supplied. A good quality
silicone sealant should be used to seal the joint
between the socket facia and the mounting
face. When more than one remote control
socket is required, the three core inter-
connecting cables may be
using a standard cable junction box before
connection to the Auxiliary Control Unit.