Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technology Co., Ltd
User manual QCW450/1500
3. MOD:
Modulation input, the BNC connector for switching the laser on and
off in remote control modes. The control signal should be able to apply current
over 10mA, and the voltage should be 24V.
It is used for remote control of starting the laser (as key switch)
and interlock function.
The socket for supply input that can be only mated with the
plug on the power cord Raycus provided.
The Main Switch of the laser, it must be turn on before starting
the laser.
Pipe connectors, the inlet and outlet for cooling water flow in
and return, mated with 10 mm (outer diameter) PU pipes.
4.3 power connection
Before connecting the AC power supply, please check whether the
AC power supply provided is consistent with specifications listed in
Table 1
Figure 8 shows the power cord of the laser.
Figure 8 Power Cord of the Laser
One end of the power cord is a plug; insert it in to the socket 'AC INPUT'
on the rear panel. Notice that the plug is wrong-side preventing. After
insert it, lock it with the lever (Figure 9);