Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies Co., Ltd
User Guide RFL-A2000D-3000D Ver.1.0
relative to “EGND”. If you don’t use remote emission control, left “LAS_C” disconnected. The
“MODULATION” cable need to be connected when the laser emission is controlled by remote
modulation signal, otherwise can be left disconnected. The “RX” and “TX” of the “RS-232”
cable should be connected to the “RX” and “TX” of the PC, respectively. “AD” and “RS-422”
should be left disconnected. The PE of the cable for “INTERFACE” is not shown in Figure 3,
but we recommend you to connect all the PE wires to the protective earth.
4.7.2 Hyper Terminal Setup
Follow the instructions to setup hyper terminal:
(1) In Windows system, click as follows: START→Accessories→Communication→ Hyper
(2) A dialog will pop up, to recommend Hyper Terminal as the default telnet program, choose
(3) Hyper terminal will start, type in any name for “New Connection”, then click “OK”;
(4) Choose the COM you connected with the RS-232 cable, then click “OK”;
(5) Set up communication protocol: Baud rate-9600, Data Bits-8, Parity-None, Stop bits-1, Flow
Control-None. Then click “OK”;
Now the hyper terminal setup is finished.
4.7.3 Operation in Hyper Terminal Mode
Before you start the laser, check the wiring, cooling connection and the most important, the
delivery cable and optic output terminal are OK. Make sure that the interlock is shorted, and the
laser emission button is up (emission disabled). Then start the chiller.
Turn the key to the “ON” position to start the laser, and the system start self-check. If the
process of system self-check is normal, the following information will be displayed in the hyper