RAY User Guide
RAY Interface Basics
Remember lifting your finger makes a selection. Therefore, if you are not sure
what to do, then keep moving your finger until it is off the screen in order to
cancel the current operation.
You can go back to the previous screen from any menu (except the
Menu) by sliding your finger from the center of the screen to the number 4.
All Menus have eight different options arranged around your touch point.
This user guide describes the various options that are provided by sliding your
fingers in each direction. Directions are described in this user guide as if your
finger starts from the center of a numeric keyboard on the number 5. For
example, in order to select the number 2, slide your finger upwards, in order
to select the number 3, slide your finger diagonally to the upper right corner
and so on.
After you place and hold your finger anywhere on the screen for three
seconds, RAY reads out help information, including the name of the screen and
positioning information.