Manual No. 016-0171-598 Rev. B
2. Select the Self-Propelled - Equipment (third) tab.
3. Press the plus (+) sign. The boom configuration will generate.
Note: If a boom configuration already exists, delete it before importing a new
boom configuration, To do so, press the trash can by the profile.
The boom configuration should automatically populate the boom group
without any additional information from the user. If asked to name the
boom group and enter the number of sections, stop the configuration
process. Exit out of the boom group configuration, cycle power on the
machine, and restart the machine.
4. Press the modify button.
5. Verify the boom offset.
6. Verify red boom is no longer visible on the machine icon.
7. Initial set-up and calibration is complete.
Additional Information
For additional information on advanced Hawkeye settings, refer to the
Hawkeye Calibration and Operation manual included with the kit.