Inspect your product for any worn, defective, or missing parts. Do
not use if there are any signs of damage, wear or deterioration.
Replace or repair before use.
Never dive off the product head first. If jumping off the product,
always enter the water feet first.
Not intended for young children. Use the Aqua Mat Deluxe only
under mature, knowledgeable adult supervision.
The surface of the Aqua Mat Deluxe will get wet and slippery.
Always exercise caution and common sense as reckless
behavior may result in serious injury.
Do not attempt or allow flips, somersaults or other acrobatic
maneuvers. Landing on the head or neck can cause serious
injury, paralysis or death.
Do not use in shark invested water or in water that may contain
other marine life dangerous to humans.
When not in use, secure the product against unauthorized or
unsupervised use.
This device is not designed to be used as a life saving device.