This inflation adaptor will automatically open the valve when
inserted and will close the valve when removed. You do not need to
manually open/close the valve when using this special adaptor.
Inflate until firm. The Rapid Inflator will inflate the mat to approx. 5psi (0,17
DO NOT INFLATE BEYOND 10PSI (0,69 bar) to avoid damage.
Move to Water
Use 2 or more people to carry the product to the water.
CAUTION: To avoid risk of puncture or damage to the product,
DRAG the product.
Always carry it to the water. Float the Aqua Mat Deluxe
to the desired location for anchoring.
There are two anchor attachment points (one at each
end on the bottom) of the Aqua Mat Deluxe. Attach
anchor(s) to those points to prevent the wind from
swinging the product to an undesirable direction.
The Aqua Mat Deluxe is now ready for use!
To Deflate:
Rapid deflation can be achieved using the “deflate” side of the motor housing.
Attach the hose to the deflate side of the motor housing and lock the valve
adaptor into the valve.
Using the Aqua Mat Deluxe
CAUTION! The surface of the Aqua Mat Deluxe can become wet and slippery.
Refrain from horseplay or other activity that could cause collisions and falls,
resulting in injury.
Anchor Point