2.2 Software
Opening book: 20,000 different plies in 11,000 unique positions. Transpositions are
Hash tables: 117 kB.
Pondering: none.
Maximum search depth: 20 plies full search plus 8 plies quiescence.
Free ROM: The firmware image is 384 kB, out of which 248 kB are used. 95 kB are
for the opening book data and 32 kB for the endgame table.
Free RAM: 7 kB.
Strength: around 2100 ELO (expert class).
Operating system: none / bare metal.
Programming language: mostly C, and some assembly.
Compiler: GCC 6.3 Q1/2017 ARM none-eabi.
Author of the ARM-port: Rasmus Althoff.
Base program: NG-Play v9.86.
Author of NG-Play v9.86: George Georgopoulos.
Author of the endgame table for king+pawn vs. king: Marcel van Kervinck.
Licence: GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 3 or later.
As per the GPL, those who receive the executable program (e.g. inside the chess
computer itself) have the right to also obtain the program source text, the build
scripts and the instructions how to install the executable program on the chess
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