MTI: mate-in
. Pressing the
key will have the CT800 look for a forced mate for
up to 4 days, or until it is interrupted using the
key again. While the mate-in
mode is active, the computer colour will always be set to “none”.
This way, you can manually enter the first move of the solution, then enter a move
where you want to see how to continue and press the
key again.
mate-in mode
displays the following data:
status (searching for mate).
depth x:
the configured mate searching depth in moves.
the thinking time for the ongoing search.
If a mate has been found, the mating depth will be announced.
It may also happen that the side to move cannot enforce mate, but the opponent
has a forced mating sequence within the configured search depth, which will be
displayed as “opp. mate found”.
Pressing the
key will lead to the game notation screen that will display the main
variant until mate. This is the same kind of screen described in subchapter
View Notation
. You can exit this notation screen by pressing
A dialogue box will appear, offering to search for another solution move. Usually,
mate problems should only have one initial move that solves the problem, but you
can verify this. If you confirm, the CT800 will try to find a mate that does not involve
the solution moves that have already been found. You may repeat this as long as
there are different solution moves.
If no or no further solution move is found, a dialogue box will open telling that no
moves have been found. This last search without finding a mate can take much
longer than a successful search.
Also a timeout will end the search, which will happen after 4 days if the CT800 could
not complete the search tree. This timeout refers to each individual search; so when
you decide to search for another solution, the 4 days timeout will start again.
Note: the CT800 does use its hash tables during mate search. Therefore, it will
solve endgame mating puzzles faster than middlegame ones.
Note: the battery running time will not suffice for 4 days. Since the auto-save (see
3.10. Auto-Save
) only works after making a move, it will not buffer ongoing
calculations. For such lengthy computations, running on external power is required.
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