6.2 Connecting Camera to Frame Grabber
All demo cameras and PC units should be marked with an A and B symbol, which indicates the
polarity required for connecting the two frame grabber ports to the Camera Link MDR ports on the
camera head. This is shown in the two pictures below. Another way to distinguish which ports
connect together, is that the MDR port closest to the power connector on the camera head needs to
be connected to the frame grabber port nearest to the PCIe slot.
Computer System Requirements
Contact EPIX Inc. for the latest information regarding minimum computer specification requirements
to run the XCAP Imaging Software.
Frame Grabber Requirements
With the Ninox 1280, it is a minimum requirement to use an PIXCI E8 frame grabber. If using a frame
grabber from another company, the spec requirements of this frame grabber must meet those
supplied by the PIXCI E8 model.
Downloading and Installing XCAP
The latest version of XCAP can be downloaded from the link below:
please select the appropriate version of XCAP for your computer. Ensure that you download from the
section labelled “
Pre-release version with support for the latest cameras and latest PIXCI® imaging
Open the downloaded file when complete and follow the onscreen instructions in the
installation wizard. If a pop-up message appears asking whether to install the PIXCI driver, ensure that
you click yes.