Momentarily press and release the down button to display the temperature set point. The set point is
decreased one degree each time the DOWN arrow button is pressed and released.
After starting either air conditioning unit, verify that water is flowing from the two seawater discharge
outlets located on the port side near the bow.
If water is not flowing from both outlets, immediately turn the AC units off to prevent damage to the
compressor/condenser. Verify the thru-hull valve is open and the seawater strainer is not clogged and restart
the AC unit.
ZUMA also has a HEATERCRAFT heater that utilizes the main engine cooling system to heat the main
cabin while underway. The engine provides heat in the same way as a car heater. The controller is located
on the port side of the helm. The temperature is constant but the airflow is controlled by a three speed fan
control (low, medium, high). When engines are not running, turn the heater switch off to conserve batteries.
All electronic manuals are located in a notebook located in forward stateroom.
GARMIN GPSmap 5215
touch screen GPS/chart plotter/radar is an all-in-one screen. It has the g2
chip which has satellite maps superimposed over the chart, which is a fun way to see where you are going.
Also, it shows a camera icon which can be touched to see pictures of harbors, places of interest, etc. It is
very simple to use, and a manual is onboard in case you want to make use of the more sophisticated features.
The basic operation is to turn it on (press the power button located in the top right corner), select the chart
screen and go. Zoom, moving around on the screen, are via touch screen buttons. Using the “navigate to”
feature is accessed from the HOME screen and is a matter of spelling the location. You can also navigate to
a location from the chart screen by touching a location and using the MENU to “Navigate to”. The radar
must be turned on from the HOME screen. It can either overlay the chart or be on a split screen.
GARMIN GPS map 5215
Chart plotter display