Front Cone Mounting
A wheel should be centered by the outer side of the hub only
when the inner surface will not provide an accurate surface
to center on.
1. Select the cone that best fits the center hole in the wheel.
2. Lift the wheel onto the arbor and slide it back against the
arbor faceplate.
3. Slide the cone onto the arbor and into the center of the
wheel. Then lift the tire to seat the cone in the center hole.
4. Spin the hub nut (without the pressure cup) onto the
arbor. Tighten it securely against the cone.
Alternate Mounting
If the wheel has a protruding outer hub which will not permit
the use of the pressure cup, or the cup will not permit the
hub nut to engage at least four turns of the arbor, this
alternate method should be used.
1. Place the cone spring on the arbor with the large end
towards the balancer.
2. Select the cone that best fits the center hole in the wheel.
Slide the cone onto the arbor with the large end towards the
3. Lift the wheel onto the arbor and center it on the cone.
4. Use the small nylon spacer (no-mar ring) or a centering
cone to press against the outer wheel hub.
5. Spin the hub nut (without the pressure cup) onto the
arbor. Tighten securely
1. First determine which mounting method you will use for
the wheel.
2. Select a centering / mounting cone that best fits the
center hole of the wheel.
3. After installing the necessary mounting hardware hard, lift
the wheel onto the threaded shaft and slide it back against
the arbor hub. It will be necessary to lift the wheel slightly
when positioning the cone in the center of the wheel hole.
4. While holding the wheel and hardware in position, thread
the hub nut over the arbor and secure tightly.
Always make sure that the hub nut engages the arbor
threads by at least four (4) full turns. It helps to spin the
wheel while at the same time tightening the hub nut. Never
exceed weight capacity of balancer. Do not attempt to
balance wheels that are larger than the machine was
designed for.
Imputting Wheel Data
Prior to balancing any wheel, specific data relating to that
particular wheel must be entered into the computer. If the
data displayed on the screen does not match that of the
wheel you are attempting to balance then the wheel will not
be accurately balanced. The three data requirements are;
. (See diagrams on the
following page.)