Rane SSA 6 Operator'S Manual Download Page 4



Voltage Controlled Attenuators

The voltage controlled attenuators (VCAs) in the SSA 6

allow a significant increase in usable volume levels without
excessive clipping or interference from conventional distor-
tion causing muting circuits. The VCAs do not affect dynamic
response, distortion or noise levels of any material within the
rated output specifications of the amplifier. They simply
monitor the difference between Input and Output signals, and
the power dissipated in the output devices. In the event of
clipping or excessive dissipation in the output devices, the
VCAs “jump in” (out of hiding, as it were) and turn down the
Input level to correct the overdrive condition.

This means that whenever a PEAK LIMIT LED flashes, a

musical peak has been quickly turned down to avoid exces-
sive clipping. This allows you to run the amplifier at a higher
continuous level, typically about 4dB SPL higher than
without VCAs. And that 4dB of increased SPL is the equiva-
lent of a 250 watt amplifier without VCAs. If a LOAD LIMIT
LED flashes, the Input level has been quickly turned down to
prevent over-dissipation in the output devices due to excess
phase shift or abnormally low impedances which may occur
at some frequencies. This protection occurs without distorting
or interrupting the musical program.

Keep an eye on the LEDs on the SSA 6 front panel.

Occasional flashing of the LIMIT LEDs means you are
getting the most SPL out of the amplifier. Continual lighting
of either LED indicates excessive input overdrive, or too low
impedance of load. If the green READY LED goes off, a load
has been encountered that could not be corrected by the
VCAs, or the amplifier has offset. If this occurs, the amplifier
must be turned off and the problem corrected before the
Channel can be operated. If the READY LED will not light
with the load disconnected, then an internal fault has occurred
and the amplifier is in need of repair.

Adapting the SSA 6 to Your Changing Needs

With six Channels to choose from and built-in Bridging,

there are a number of different combinations available to suit
your present and growing needs. The nice thing about the
SSA 6 is that you can re-configure it instead of losing money
on an obsolete, used piece of gear you no longer need.

Basically, you can start out with six Channels at 100 watts

or three Channels at 300 watts. When the time comes, you can
step up to six Channels at 300 watts by obtaining another
SSA 6 and keeping the original. Upgrading to biamped
speakers becomes easy as well, by simply adding a second
SSA 6, both taking up only 10.5" rack space.

Rack Ears

 Ears are available as an accessory. The SSA 6RM Rack

Mount Kit replaces the side panels to install the SSA 6 in a
19" rack.  The SSA 6RM panels replace the side panels on the
SSA 6. Because electronics are exposed during this simple
procedure, we must issue the following
warning…CAUTION: Rack ears should be installed by
qualified personnel only. To avoid electric shock do not
perform installation unless qualified to do so.

Wait ten minutes before removing the side panels for the

power supply caps to safely discharge.

About the SSA 6 and Circuit Breakers...

The SSA 6 will easily deliver over 900 watts of audio

power, which requires as much as 15 amps of current from
the AC outlet. 15 amps is not an uncommon value for
household and some institutional circuitbreakers, though
20-amp versions are becoming more common. The bottom
line is that the SSA 6 is capable of tripping a 15 amp circuit
breaker under normal operation. An amp that delivers a lot of
power, drinks a lot of power to do so.

It is not likely that you will trip a breaker, but it is wise to

be aware of the possibility so you don’t panic if it happens.

All features & specifications subject to change without notice. JUN96

©Rane Corporation  10802 47th Ave. W.,  Mukilteo WA 98275-5098  TEL (425)355-6000  FAX (425)347-7757  WEB http://www.rane.com
