Rane RPM 44 Hardware Manual Download Page 5


Versatile Output Port (VOP)

Eight open collector logic output pins are provided, each 

capable of sinking 100 mA of current. The on-board REF voltage 

of 12 VDC provides a maximum of 200 mA of current. Use an 

external power supply (40 VDC maximum) if more current is 

required, but be sure to connect the external supply’s ground to 

the GND pin on the VOP. 

RW 485 Port

The RW 485 port uses a simple, proprietary protocol to 

communicate with Rane’s optional Smart Remotes (SR 2, SR 3, 

SR 4). The details of this protocol are found in the SR Manuals, 

available from Rane’s web site.

This port follows the electrical specification found in the 

TIA/EIA-485 standard, with one exception: the recommended 

termination impedance is neither implemented nor required, 

since RW 485 uses a relatively slow baud rate (38,400 bps). In 

fact, including the termination has proven to hinder the perfor-

mance of the RW 485 bus.

Five connection terminals are provided: a balanced pair of 

data lines (A and B), a pair of power lines (±V), and a chassis 

ground. All terminals should be connected to the corresponding 

terminals of the Smart Remotes. 

Up to eight remotes, each having a unique address, can be 

connected to the RPM 44. Any mix of SR 2, SR 3 and SR4 

remotes is possible, as is any combination of star or daisy chain 

wiring configurations. 

Control Connections

Versatile Input Port (VIP)

Eight logic input pins are provided, each capable of accept-

ing DC voltage between 0-5 VDC. VIP pins are used with 

contact closure switches for Preset recall, or with potentiometers 

for remote Level control. The functionality (Preset recall versus 

control) of each pin is assignable as part of the Device Configu-


The maximum allowable voltage on any VIP pin is 5.3 VDC.

Use of twisted pair cable is recommended for better noise 


If an external device is used to generate a 0-5 V signal, con-

nect the ground of the external device to the GND pin of the 


Preset Recall Using Contact Closure Switches

The minimum “low” voltage required to detect a contact 

closure and change Presets is 2.5 V. Since the internal pull up is 

100 kΩ to +5 V, it is possible to calculate the maximum allow-

able cable length, provided the wire resistance per foot (or meter) 

is known.


To be safe, let’s allow a maximum of 80 kΩ worth of cable 

resistance. This value keeps the voltage divider formed by the 

100 kΩ internal resistance and 80 kΩ cable resistance from 

dropping below 2.5 V.

(5 V * 100 kΩ) / (100 kΩ + 80 kΩ) = 2.777 V

If the cable resistance is 30 Ω per 1,000 feet

(1,000 feet / 30 Ω) * 80,000 Ω = 2,666,666 feet.

Thus, you can only use 2,666,666 feet (505 miles) of twisted 

pair cable before the Preset recall functionality becomes inter-

mittent (assuming the cable is properly twisted and not run 

through excessive magnetic or electric fields).

Remote Level Control Using Potentiometers

The VIP inherently prefers linear taper 10 kΩ potenti-

ometers, which provide a nice audio taper “feel” for the end 

user. When used with suitable twisted pair wiring, the 10 kΩ 

value also offers acceptable noise immunity and very long cable 


pin 1




20 kΩ (linear)

Level Control



(examples for VIP pin 1)



pin 1



pin 1

2 kΩ


pin 1

(examples for VOP pin 1)


Light an LED

Relay Drive

100 mA coil

Crydom P/N D1225

current max

pin 1


24 to





140 VAC
25 A max

Line Voltage Switching

NOTE: +12 VDC is available on the VOP. An external supply may be used as long as any VOP pin voltage never exeeds 40 VDC.

Examples shown are for 12 VDC only.
