and FRequentLy
aSKed queStIOnS
the FIRSt tIme I pLay a neW tRacK, It
taKeS a WhILe tO LOad
Scratch Live has to read the entire file and create
a file index the first time it is loaded. This may
take a few seconds for longer files. After the first
load, it should load instantly.
See “pRepaRInG
yOuR FILeS” On paGe 12
I haVe a paRtIcuLaR mp3 that WOn’t
pLay / pLayS BadLy / taKeS a LOnG tIme
tO LOad / cRaSheS the pROGRam. What
ShOuLd I dO?
The file may be damaged, and may need to be
deleted from your library. Please go to the forum
and notify the support team
that you have a bad file. By reporting damaged
or corrupt files, you will help the developers to
improve Scratch Live’s ability to play damaged
MP3 files in the future.
I Want tO BacKup my LIBRaRy and
cRateS OR mOVe them tO anOtheR
machIne, SO WheRe aRe they StORed?
Your database and crates are stored in the
folder Home\Music\ScratchLive on a Mac, and
My Documents\My Music\ScratchLive on a PC.
Crates have the file extension .crate and are
located in your subcrates folder. If your library
contains tracks that are stored on a drive other
than your boot drive, a folder called _ScratchLive_
will be created in the root of that drive, and a
separate database will be made in this folder. If
it is a removable drive, the tracks will only appear
in your library when the drive is connected.
“ScRatch LIVe BacKup” On paGe 23
nOte: to keep up with the latest tips, visit the
Official Scratch Live Forum at
FadeR cLeanInG
With heavy use in harsh environments, the fader may need lubrication.
This treatment extends longevity and can make a used fader as good as new.
The fader assembly must be removed from the MP 4 for proper cleaning.
We recommend any of the following cleaning solutions:
caig deoxIt FaderLube F100 spray lubricant
caig deoxIt FaderLube F5 spray cleaner
cRc 2-26
Order CaiLube MCL® from:
CAIG Laboratories, Inc.
12200 Thatcher Ct.
Poway, CA 92064
Phone: 858-486-8388
Fax: 858-486-8398
cLeanInG InStRuctIOnS
a. Fader assembly replacement (part #11646)
1. Unplug the MP 4.
2. Remove the bottom cover.
3. Remove the fader screws from the front panel.
4. Draw fader assembly out through the bottom.
5. Remove ribbon cable from old fader.
6. Attach ribbon cable to new fader.
7. Screw onto front panel
8. Replace bottom cover.
B. Fader cleaning
1. Hold the fader assembly away from the mixer.
2. Position the fader at mid-travel.
3. Spray cleaner/lubricant into both ends of the fader in sufficient amounts to flush debris.
4. Move the fader over its full travel back and forth a few times.
5. Shake excess fluid from the fader assembly.
6. Wipe off excess fluid.