VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Decouple All Traces / Decouple Trc
Assigns independent scale settings to all traces / to the active trace.
Remote command:
Zoom tab
Provides graphical and stimulus zoom functions for cartesian diagrams.
The graphical zoom magnifies a (paraxial) rectangular portion of a diagram without
modifying any sweep parameters. The stimulus zoom also magnifies the selected rect-
angle, but at the same time narrows the sweep range of the active channel to the rec-
tangle's horizontal range.
Alternatives to Zooming
There are several alternatives to graphical/numerical zooming. Refer to the following
Chapter 4.3.2, "Zooming into the display"
Chapter 10.3.1, "Scale Values tab"
Chapter 4.4.4, "Touchscreen gestures"
on page 79 (zoom stimulus via spreading
and pinching)
Chapter 10.2.1, "Stimulus tab"
Mode Graphical Zoom/Mode Stimulus Zoom
Switches between graphical and stimulus zoom mode.
Use the
to initiate the selection of a (paraxial) rectangular zoom
area. Its label changes according to the selected zoom mode.
Scale softtool