Acquisition and waveform setup
User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 05
Setup settings
Access: "Menu" > "Vertical" > "Setup"
The "Setup" tab provides all basic vertical settings. The channels are listed in horizon-
tal subtabs. Make sure to select the correct channel tab before you enter the settings.
Channel On/Off
Switches the channel signal on or off. The signal icon appears on the signal bar. The
waveform of the last acquisition is displayed in the diagram.
Remote command:
Defines the vertical scale in Volts per division. Increasing the scale compresses the
display of the signal.
Remote command:
The offset voltage is subtracted to correct a signal with DC offset. The vertical center of
the selected channel is shifted by the offset value and the signal is repositioned within
the diagram area. Negative offset values move up the waveform, positive values move
it down.
Vertical setup