Measuring Procedure
User Manual 1801.4949.02 ─ 01
3. Wait for at least 30 minutes after starting the power supply to the device
before executing demagnetization and automatic zero-adjustment. Otherwise
the offset voltage may increase due to the heat generation of the device.
4. Make sure that there is no conductor in the sensor aperture.
5. Press the opening lever until the JAW UNLOCK indication disappears. Ensure
that the sensor head is properly closed.
6. Press and hold the DEMAG/ AUTO ZERO key for about 1 second. Zero-
adjustment is performed after demagnetization.
The process takes about 20
seconds. During demagnetizing, a demagnetizing
waveform is shown on the oscilloscope. The positive and negative compo-
nents of this waveform may be asymmetrical.
If the DEMAG/AUTO ZERO LED continues flashing instead of turning
off when the DEMAG/AUTO ZERO key is pressed, demagnetization and zero
adjustment did not complete normally.
To halt demagnetization or automatic zero-adjustment in the middle of its
► Pull the unlock lever toward you to unlock the upper jaw.
After you halt demagnetization or automatic zeroadjustment, re-execute
demagnetization and automatic zero-adjustment before taking a measure-
To execute automatic zero-adjustment alone (without executing demagneti-
► Press the DEMAG / AUTO ZERO key momentarily. Do not hold down the key.
Demagnetizing and Zero Adjustment