Documentation Overview
Getting Started 1178.8720.02 ─ 05
Documentation Overview
This section provides an overview of the R&S
NGL/NGM user documentation.
You can find it on the product page at:
Getting Started
Introduces the R&S
NGL/NGM power supply series and describes how to set up
and start working with the instrument. The printed document is delivered with the
User manual
The user manual contains the description of all instrument modes and functions.
It also provides an introduction to remote control, a complete description of the
remote control commands with programming examples, and information on main-
tenance, instrument interfaces and error messages.
The online version (html format) of the user manual provides the complete con-
tents for immediate display on the internet.
Service manual
Describes the performance test for checking the rated specifications, module
replacement and repair, firmware update, troubleshooting and fault elimination,
and contains mechanical drawings and spare part lists. The service manual is
available for registered users on the global Rohde
Schwarz information system
Basic safety instructions
Contains safety instructions, operating conditions and further important informa-
tion. The printed document is delivered with the instrument.
The datasheet contains the technical specifications of the R&S
NGL/NGM power
supply series. It also lists all options with their order numbers and accessories.