Trying Out the Instrument
Getting Started 1178.8720.02 ─ 05
The R&S
NGL/NGM outputs the set voltage level on the selected output chan-
nel terminal.
Depending on the mode which the channels are operated in, the followings are
CR mode
CR mode is a special case of sink mode in which the instrument behaves
like a constant resistor. Only in this mode, the respective channel keys and
display font color in the home window turns cyan.
In "normal" sink mode, the colors are the same as in source mode: green if
the current flowing into the R&S
NGL/NGM is below the set current and red
if the current is limited to the set value. The only visible indication of sink
mode is the change of the sign of the current readout change to "Minus".
Color illuminated on front panel keys and dis-
play font color of voltage and current in home
Operating mode
Constant voltage mode (CV)
Constant current mode (CC)
Constant resistance mode (CR)
Note: Instrument is operated in sink mode
and "Constant Resistance" is activated.
Also, the operating symbol mode (CV, CC or CR) is displayed at the channel sta-
tus bar of the respective channel.
Activating the Channels Output