User Manual 1173.9240.02 ─ 23
Remote command:
Signal ID
Activates or deactivates visual signal identification. Two sweeps are performed alter-
nately. Trace 1 shows the trace measured on the upper side band (USB) of the LO (the
test sweep). Trace 2 shows the trace measured on the lower side band (LSB), i.e. the
reference sweep.
Note that automatic signal identification is only available for measurements that per-
form frequency sweeps (not in the VSA, the I/Q Analyzer, or the Real-Time Spectrum
application, for instance).
Mathematical functions with traces and trace copy cannot be used with the Signal ID
Remote command:
Auto ID
Activates or deactivates automatic signal identification.
Auto ID basically functions like
. However, the test and reference sweeps are
converted into a single trace by a comparison of maximum peak values of each sweep
point. The result of this comparison is displayed in trace 3 if "Signal ID" is active at the
same time. If "Signal ID" is not active, the result can be displayed in any of the traces 1
to 3. Unwanted mixer products are suppressed in this calculated trace.
Note that automatic signal identification is only available for measurements that per-
form frequency sweeps (not in vector signal analysis or the I/Q Analyzer, for instance).
Remote command:
Auto ID Threshold
Defines the maximum permissible level difference between test sweep and reference
sweep to be corrected during automatic comparison (
The input range is between 0.1 dB and 100 dB. Values of about 10 dB (i.e. default set-
ting) generally yield satisfactory results.
Remote command:
Bias Settings
Define the bias current for each range, which is required to set the mixer to its optimum
operating point. It corresponds to the short-circuit current. The bias current can range
from -10 mA to 10 mA. The actual bias current is lower because of the forward voltage
of the mixer diode(s).
: The trace in the currently active result display (if applicable) is adapted to the set-
tings immediately so you can check the results.
To store the bias setting in the currently selected conversion loss table, select the
Input and Frontend Settings