Common Analysis and Display Functions
FSVA3000/ R&S
User Manual 1178.8520.02 ─ 01
The remote commands required to define these settings are described in
ter 14.8.3, "Working with Markers"
Precise Frequency (Signal Count) Marker
Measuring Noise Density (Noise Meas Marker)
Phase Noise Measurement Marker
Measuring Characteristic Bandwidths (n dB Down Marker)
Measuring the Power in a Channel (Band Power Marker)
Demodulating Marker Values and Providing Audio Output (Marker Demodulation)
Deactivating All Marker Functions
Precise Frequency (Signal Count) Marker
: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Marker Functions" > "Select Marker Function" >
"Signal Count" > "Signal Count Config"
: [MKR FUNC] > "Select Marker Function" > "Signal Count" > "Signal Count Config"
A normal marker determines the position of the point on the trace and indicates the sig-
nal frequency at this position. The trace, however, contains only a limited number of
points. Depending on the selected span, each trace point can contain many measure-
ment values. Thus, the frequency resolution of each trace point is limited.
(See also
Chapter, "How Much Data is Measured: Sweep Points and Sweep
Frequency resolution is further restricted by the RBW and sweep time settings.
Marker Usage