Common Analysis and Display Functions
FSVA3000/ R&S
User Manual 1178.8520.02 ─ 01
Export Peak List
The peak list can be exported to an ASCII file (
) for analysis in an external appli-
Remote command:
Deactivating All Marker Functions
: "Overview" > "Analysis" > "Marker Functions" > "All Functions Off"
All special marker functions can be deactivated in one step.
Remote command:
How to Work With Markers
The following step-by-step instructions demonstrate in detail how to work with markers.
How to Analyze a Signal Point in Detail
How to Use a Fixed Reference Marker
How to Output the Demodulated Signal Accoustically
How to Analyze a Signal Point in Detail
Step-by-step instructions on working with markers are provided here. For details on
individual functions and settings see
Chapter 9.3.2, "Marker Settings"
The remote commands required to perform these tasks are described in
ter 14.8.3, "Working with Markers"
When you need to analyze a characteristic point in the signal in more detail, the follow-
ing procedure can be helpful:
1. Perform a peak search to determine the characteristic point roughly by pressing
the [Peak Search] key.
2. If the required signal point is not the maximum, continue the peak search to one of
the subsequent maxima or minima:
a) Press the [Mkr ->] key.
b) Select the "Next Peak" or "Next Min" key.
c) If necessary, change the search settings by selecting the "Search Config" soft-
3. Center the display around the determined signal point by setting the marker value
to the center frequency. Select the "Center = Mkr Freq" softkey.
Marker Usage