FSV/A3000 I/Q
User Manual 1178.8536.02 ─ 01
Activates and deactivates a Spectrogram subwindow.
Closes the Spectrogram subwindow.
Remote command:
3D Spectrogram State
Activates and deactivates a 3-dimensional spectrogram. As opposed to the common 2-
dimensional spectrogram, the power is not only indicated by a color mapping, but also
in a third dimension, the z-axis.
For details see the R&S
FSV/A User Manual.
Remote command:
Select Frame
Selects a specific frame, loads the corresponding trace from the memory, and displays
it in the Spectrum window.
Note that activating a marker or changing the position of the active marker automati-
cally selects the frame that belongs to that marker.
This function is only available in single sweep mode or if the sweep is stopped, and
only if a spectrogram is selected.
The most recent frame is number 0, all previous frames have a negative number.
Remote command:
History Depth
Sets the number of frames that the R&S
FSV/A stores in its memory.
The maximum number of frames depends on the
For an overview of the maximum number of frames depending on the number of
sweep points, see the R&S
FSV/A User Manual.
If the memory is full, the R&S
FSV/A deletes the oldest frames stored in the memory
and replaces them with the new data.
Remote command:
3-D Display Depth
Defines the number of frames displayed in a 3-dimensional spectrogram.
Spectrogram Settings