Instrument Functions for Bluetooth Measurements (K8)
Operating Manual 1176.7610.02 ─ 02
Channel ← TX Spec ACLR
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the transmission channel number. From the number
of the channel the center frequency is calculated in accordance to the RF Test Specifi-
cation. The default setting is channel number 0.
Principally, setting the channel number has the same effect as changing the center fre-
quency. The major difference is that the center frequency is not limited to available fre-
quency band values, i.e. values outside the frequency band and between the discrete
channels can be selected (see also
softkey in the "Frequency" menu).
Remote command:
Meas Setup ← TX Spec ACLR
Opens a dialog box for common measurement settings, see
Find Sync ← TX Spec ACLR
Opens a dialog box to set the signal processing functions of the analyzer, see
No. of ACP Chan (TX Spec ACLR, Spurious Emissions) ← TX Spec ACLR
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the number of adjacent channels, for which the
power is to be measured. The values range from 0 to 78. A minimum value of 3 is rec-
ommended. The default setting is 78 (all channels).
As with the ACP measurement of the basic instrument firmware this value refers to the
number of adjacent channels on one side of the TX channel. This means that with a
selected value of 10 the analyzer will measure in total 21 channels (10 lower channels
+ TX c 10 upper channels).
The frequency range required for the measurement is set up automatically. The center
frequency will also be adapted automatically dependent on the selected TX channel.
The measurement of the adjacent channels is limited to the available Bluetooth fre-
quency band, which means that at maximum 79 channels (23 channels in France) will
be measured.
Remote command:
Modulation Char
Opens a submenu to configure the Modulation Char measurement. For further details
refer to
chapter 3.1.3, "Modulation Characteristics Measurement"
Remote command:
, see
Softkeys of the Bluetooth Menu