Instrument Functions for Bluetooth Measurements (K8)
Operating Manual 1176.7610.02 ─ 02
Channel ← Output Power
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the transmission channel number. From the number
of the channel the center frequency is calculated in accordance to the RF Test Specifi-
cation. The default setting is channel number 0.
Principally, setting the channel number has the same effect as changing the center fre-
quency. The major difference is that the center frequency is not limited to available fre-
quency band values, i.e. values outside the frequency band and between the discrete
channels can be selected (see also
softkey in the "Frequency" menu).
Remote command:
Meas Setup ← Output Power
Opens a dialog box for common measurement settings.
Packet Type ← Meas Setup ← Output Power
Defines the number of occupied slots in the sent packet.
The number of occupied slots is used for the automatic calculation of the sweep time
softkey) and the search length of the sync word
The currently transmitted packet type is determined automatically by the Bluetooth
demodulator (which means that the selected packet type need not necessarily corre-
spond to the actually transmitted packet type; it will only affect the settings for sweep
time and search length as described above).
"DH 1"
1 slot packet (default)
"DH 3"
3 slot packet
"DH 5 | AUTO" 5 slot packet
Remote command:
Softkeys of the Bluetooth Menu