Analog Demodulation Option R&S
Operating Manual 1176.7561.02 ─ 06
Right Limit ← Marker Peak List
Opens an edit dialog box to enter a value for the upper limit (left vertical line: S2 for
span > 0; T2 for zero span). The search is performed between the lines of the left and
right limit (see also
softkey). If no value is set, the upper limit corresponds to
the stop frequency.
Remote command:
Threshold ← Marker Peak List
Opens an edit dialog box to define the threshold line. The threshold line represents the
lower level limit for a "Peak" search and the upper level limit for a "Min" search.
Remote command:
ASCII File Export ← Marker Peak List
Opens the "ASCII File Export Name" dialog box and saves the active peak list in ASCII
format to the specified file and directory.
The file consists of the header containing important scaling parameters and a data sec-
tion containing the marker data. For details on an ASCII file see
This format can be processed by spreadsheet calculation programs, e.g. MS-Excel. It
is necessary to define ';' as a separator for the data import. Different language versions
of evaluation programs may require a different handling of the decimal point. It is there-
fore possible to select between separators '.' (decimal point) and ',' (comma) using the
"Decim Sep" softkey (see
Remote command:
Decim Sep ← Marker Peak List
Selects the decimal separator with floating-point numerals for the ASCII Trace export
to support evaluation programs (e.g. MS-Excel) in different languages. The values '.'
(decimal point) and ',' (comma) can be set.
Remote command:
Marker Number ← Marker Peak List
If enabled, the determined peaks are indicated by their corresponding marker number
in the trace display.
Remote command:
Softkeys of the Analog Demodulation option