Tracking Generator
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
Save As Trd Factor ← Source Cal
Uses the normalized measurement data to generate a transducer factor with up to 625
points. The trace data is converted to a transducer with unit dB and stored in a file with
the specified name and the suffix.trd under "
". The frequency
points are allocated in equidistant steps between start and stop frequency. The gener-
ated transducer factor can be further adapted using the "Transducer" softkey in the
"SETUP" menu.
The "Save As Trd Factor" softkey is only available if normalization is switched on.
Remote command:
Opens a submenu to define modulation settings. This submenu contains the following
External AM ← Modulation
Activates an AM modulation of the tracking generator output signal.
The modulation signal is applied to the TG IN I/AM connector. An input voltage of 1 V
corresponds to 100 % amplitude modulation.
Switching on an external AM disables the active I/Q modulation.
Remote command:
External FM ← Modulation
Activates the FM modulation of the tracking generator output signal. The modulation
signal is applied to the TG IN Q/FM connector. Switching on an external FM disables
the active I/Q modulation.
Remote command:
External I/Q ← Modulation
Activates the external I/Q modulation of the tracking generator output signal. The sig-
nals for modulation are applied to the two input connectors TG IN I and TG IN Q at the
rear panel of the unit. The input voltage range is ±1 V into 50
. Switching on an exter-
nal I/Q modulation disables the active AM or FM modulation.
Remote command:
Modulation OFF ← Modulation
Deactivates external modulation of the tracking generator output signal.
Softkeys of the Tracking Generator Menu