I/Q Analyzer
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
The setting 75 Ω should be selected if the 50 Ω input impedance is transformed to a
higher impedance using a 75 Ω adapter of the RAZ type (= 25 Ω in series to the input
impedance of the instrument). The correction value in this case is 1.76 dB = 10 log (75
Ω/50 Ω).
All levels specified in this Operating Manual refer to the default setting of the instru-
ment (50 Ω).
Remote command:
Softkeys of the Marker To Menu in I/Q Analyzer Mode
In I/Q Analyzer mode, The "Marker To" menu is identical to the one in Spectrum mode
"Softkeys of the Marker To Menu"
on page 411). For the "Real/Imag (I/Q)" display
mode, however, an additional function is available.
Search Settings
Opens a dialog box to define which data is used for marker search functions.
The search settings apply to all markers, not only the currently selected one.
"Search Real"
Marker search functions are performed on the real trace of the I/Q
"Search Imag"
Marker search functions are performed on the imaginary trace of the
I/Q measurement.
"Search Mag-
Marker search functions are performed on the magnitude of the I and
Q data.
Remote command:
Softkeys of the Trigger Menu in I/Q Analyzer Mode
In I/Q Analyzer mode, the "Trigger" menu, which is displayed when you select the
[TRIG] key, contains the following functions:
Softkeys of the Trigger Menu in I/Q Analyzer Mode