I/Q Analyzer
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
Time ← Trg/Gate Source
Opens an edit dialog box to define a repetition interval in which the measurement is
triggered. The shortest interval is 2 ms.
Remote command:
Trigger Level
Defines the trigger level as a numeric value.
In the trigger mode "Time", this softkey is not available.
Remote command:
Trigger Polarity
Sets the polarity of the trigger source.
The sweep starts after a positive or negative edge of the trigger signal. The default set-
ting is "Pos". The setting applies to all modes with the exception of the "Free Run" and
"Time" mode.
Level triggering: the sweep is stopped by the logic "0" signal and
restarted by the logical "1" signal after the gate delay time has
Edge triggering: the sweep is continued on a "0" to "1" transition for
the gate length duration after the gate delay time has elapsed.
Remote command:
Trigger Offset
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the time offset between the trigger signal and the
start of the sweep.
offset > 0:
Start of the sweep is delayed
offset < 0:
Sweep starts earlier (pre-trigger)
Only possible for span = 0 (e.g. I/Q Analyzer mode) and gated trigger
switched off
Maximum allowed range limited by the sweep time:
= sweep time
In the "External" or "IF Power" trigger mode, a common input signal is used for both
trigger and gate. Therefore, changes to the gate delay will affect the trigger delay (trig-
ger offset) as well.
To determine the trigger point in the sample (for "External" or "IF Power" trigger
In the "Time" trigger mode, this softkey is not available.
Remote command:
Softkeys of the Trigger Menu in I/Q Analyzer Mode