Receiver Mode
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
Remote command:
Configuring the Trigger
The trigger settings are available in the [TRIG] menu.
Selects an external trigger source.
The external trigger source is a TTL signal fed in at the EXT TRIG/GATE IN interface
on the rear panel.
Remote command:
Free Run
Selects free run mode. In free run mode, a measurement is not triggered. Once a mea-
surement is completed, another is started immediately.
Remote command:
Selects the video trigger. The trigger event is a certain voltage level.
For the video triggering mode, a level line showing the trigger threshold is displayed.
Using the level line, the threshold can be adjusted between 0% and100% of the dia-
gram height.
Video mode is only available in the time domain.
Remote command:
Trigger Polarity
Selects the polarity of the trigger source.
The scan starts after a positive or negative edge of the trigger signal. The default set-
ting is "Pos".
The trigger polarity is unavailable for the free run trigger source.
Remote command:
Common Measurement Settings